Trading Analysis
The risk gauge rank for HIVE shows the coin is currently a low risk investment. Traders focused on risk assessment will find the gauge most useful for avoiding (or adding) risky investments.
HIVE has traded -4.19% lower over the past 24 hours to its current price of $0.89. This shift has occurred while volume is below its average level and the coin’s market capitalization has fallen. The cryptocurrency now has a market capitalization of $357,048,377.50 while $48,264,821.97 worth of the coin has traded over the last 24 hours. The price change in relation to the degree of volume and market cap changes gives Hive a low risk rating.
Recent price movement of HIVE gives the cryptocurrency a low risk score due to past 24 hours of price volatility in relation to volume changes, giving traders reason to be confident on the coin’s manipulability at the moment.